Medicine Hat & District


Welcome to the Medicine Hat & District Branch (AB20). We wish to advise all our members that effective May 2019 the AB20 Branch no longer occupies office space at the Strathcona Centre. As such the branch executive and volunteers will be providing services to the membership via phone, email, or Canada Post (contact details are provided in the box below). Incoming phone messages and emails will be monitored on a regular basis and we will endeavor to respond to you inquires as soon as possible.

Your branch will continue to hold a General Members Meeting every mid-October and an Annual General Members Meeting every mid-April. Specific details of these events will be made known to the membership well in advance via announcements in the Sage magazine, emails, and phone calls. In addition to these events, from time to time you may find information here on other branch and Association national events.

Every year your branch is faced with the difficult task of seeking out members to hold executive, director, and volunteer positions on the board. As such, the board is in the process of implementing a “succession plan” that hopefully will alleviate this on-going problem and provide for both the short and long term viability of the Medicine Hat & District Branch. If you are interested in becoming involved and seek more information on how to participate or have ideas that can help us in any manner please contact us via phone (403-979-3093) or email (

Lionel Provost,
Medicine Hat & District Branch President

Medicine Hat & District Branch (AB20)

932 4th Street SE
Redcliff, AB
T0J 2P0

(403) 979-3093

Branch Events