
Welcome to the website of York Branch 

The York Branch website aims to keep members informed on branch activities; provide information on meeting schedules, branch advocacy and other areas of interest. Be sure to check back periodically for updates.


Branch President's Reports


Update – Feb. 2025

Hibernation time – or time to move to a warmer place! Some of us may still enjoy the winter, and our part of Ontario has had the snow which can make it enjoyable! But snow in New Orleans?!

The tumult on the political front is concerning. Head office has already had meetings with branches in anticipation of a federal election, and now Ontario has beaten Ottawa to the punch. The Association has clearly defined priorities, but with all the pressure from the new American administration, fringing on economic warfare, they may not receive much attention. There may be talk of government direction of our pension fund investment – indeed there already has been!  Too many people regard our pension funds as a source of easy money. Pensioners support our country’s needs through taxes as all do. And need healthy pension funds. We NAFR members need to make our voices heard!

York Branch board has had its first meeting of the year — a videoconference meeting, to keep out of the cold. We need to plan for 2025, and specifically the two branch members’ meetings — our main activities and of course get the annual audit going. Federal Retirees bylaws make our spring AGM the critical one. It is set for April 15 at the Aurora Legion Hall.

At issue will be the usual financial reviews and approvals, but also elections to the board. Bylaws prohibit the current president from continuing, and there are always board openings. The commitment is not unduly onerous: new people are very welcome, and needed. Prospective members (recent retirees and spouses, the soon-to-retire) are welcome to the meeting. There will be refreshments, and a “guest” speaker. We are planning to tap on the expertise of our own members with a presentation on climate change. This is especially topical with the recent electoral success of the “not our problem” group.

Federal Retirees York Branch
10225 Yonge St
Unit R116
Richmond Hill, ON 
L4C 3B2
e-mail: federalretirees.york@gmail.com
Website: federalretirees.ca/york



Web Content

We are constantly reviewing and updating our webpage hoping to make it friendlier and allow our readers to quickly search for information about the branch: its activities and the newest published items. Please check out the Latest Updates section to find the most current submission.

Frank Froude
Web Content Editor


York Branch (ON55)

10225 Yonge St
Unit R116
Toronto, ON
L4C 3B2

Branch Events