The National Association of Federal Retirees is pleased to endorse the campaign “for a Quebec worthy of its seniors" for the upcoming election in Quebec. The campaign was developed by a coalition of five organizations representing over 700,000 seniors in the province – the Réseau Fédération de l'Âge d'Or du Québec (FADOQ), the Association des retraitées et retraités de l’éducation et des autres services publics du Québec (AREQ-CSQ), the Association Québécoise des retraité(e)s des secteurs public et parapublic (AQRP), the Association québécoise de défense des droits des personnes retraitées et préretraitées (AQDR), and the Regroupement interprofessionnel des intervenants retraités des services de santé (RiiRS). Their 16-point platform seeks to improve every aspect of seniors’ quality of life.
Focusing on five key policy areas, the campaign asks candidates to make concrete commitments to improve care and services at home and in long-term care facilities, support family caregivers, implement preventative measures to support seniors health, strengthen retirement income security and ensure access to affordable and adapted housing. Federal Retirees have long campaigned for a National Seniors Strategy, which aims to address many of these issues across the country.
“Seniors are the fastest growing demographic in the country. Quebec’s government has an important role to play in adapting public policies and systems to the needs of today’s growing seniors population, and in future-proofing our policies and systems for tomorrow’s seniors,” said Simon Coakeley, Chief Executive Officer for the National Association of Federal Retirees.
“The 16 priorities put forward by this campaign align with the Association’s values and the needs of our members in Quebec. The implementation of this platform would make a significant impact on seniors’ quality of life,” said Coakeley. “We are pleased to endorse this campaign and are looking forward to seeing the commitments each party will make to accomplish these measures.”
On September 5, the campaign coalition is hosting a debate in Quebec City with representatives from four political parties to discuss these issues and others important to seniors. Federal Retirees in the Quebec City area are encouraged to attend, and a recording of the debate will be shared following the event.
The provincial election in Quebec will be held on October 1, 2018. For more information on this election and others happening across the country, check out our Elections Corner.