Left to right: Cynthia Foreman, Winnipeg and district branch advocacy contact and Manitoba advocacy program officer; Terry Duguid, member of Parliament for Winnipeg South; Ceci O’Flaherty, Winnipeg and district branch president; Paula Nygard, branch services coordinator for Manitoba; and Lacey Sanders, executive assistant to MP Duguid.
Federal Retirees’ Winnipeg and district branch hit the ground running with Reach 338 meetings this year, connecting with all 12 of their MPs – and meeting with 10 of them in just over a month!
Led by branch president Cecilia (Ceci) O’Flaherty and branch advocacy contact Cynthia Foreman – who is also the advocacy program officer for Manitoba and was a member of the national board from June 2017 to December 2020 – the branch made a commitment to focus on advocacy in 2021.
The Winnipeg and district branch used their MP meetings to discuss all Association priorities, with a special focus on the need for national standards for long-term and home care, as part of a national seniors’ strategy.
The branch volunteers also connected with each of their MPs to share Federal Retirees’ budget recommendations.
“Although we don’t know exactly when, we do know a federal election is coming. And when it does, we want to make sure we’ve done everything we can to be prepared. That’s why we’re meeting with each and every one of our MPs now, making sure Federal Retirees and our priorities are on their radar,” says Foreman. “This way, when an election is called, we’ll be able to hit the ground running. We’ll be well-practiced at holding virtual meetings and the MPs in our region will already have an understanding of Federal Retirees priorities. We’ll be able to have more in-depth, focused conversations with all the candidates in the Winnipeg region on how to ensure Federal Retirees priorities are addressed,” adds Foreman.
The branch even managed to slip some recruitment efforts into these meetings by providing membership information to MPs who have family members who are employed in, or retired from, the public service!
The branch volunteers wrapped-up each meeting by letting MPs know they will reach out to arrange further meetings when an election is called. This was welcomed by the MPs, who were also provided with contact information to reach Federal Retirees for consultation if the opportunity arises.
If you’re interested in doing this kind of volunteer work and making a difference for today’s and tomorrow’s retirees, join the Reach 338 volunteer network or reach out to our advocacy team for more information at advocacyteam@federalretirees.ca!
Advocacy Spotlight showcases successful initiatives and projects put forward by our dedicated volunteers and supporters.
The National Association of Federal Retirees has a proud history of advocacy on behalf of our members and all retirees. In collaboration with our volunteers and supporters from coast-to-coast, we continue this tradition of strong, smart advocacy campaigns focused on improvements to the financial security, health and well-being of our members and all Canadians.
Our success is not only measured in policy changes and legislation, it grows with every meaningful discussion with parliamentarians, and with every email and letter written. Together, we are achieving and surpassing our strategic advocacy goals and targets every day.