The final stage of distribution of the Veteran’s Service Card (VSC) first announced in September 2018 has now begun. Applications from Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Veterans who released prior to February 2016 are now being accepted for processing.
If you have completed basic training and have been honourably released from the CAF, then you are eligible to apply for the VSC either online or by mail.
For more information visit https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/benefits-military/transition/service-card.html
Note: The VSC should not be confused with the National Association of Federal Retirees CAF Veteran membership card. Since Federal Retirees announced our card in August 2018, more than 8,000 of our Veteran members have requested and received their card which qualifies them for free baggage allowance with Air Canada, WestJet and Porter Airlines. To apply for your Federal Retirees Veteran membership card contact service@federalretirees.ca