One year after legislation came into force, the Minister of Health tabled Canada’s Palliative Care Framework, delivering on the 2018 deadline.
Vaccine rollout varies from province to province, but the federal government has stated it expects all Canadians to be vaccinated by September 2021.
The Government of Ontario has committed $100 million over three years for its new dementia strategy, a plan the province committed to developing in last year’s budget.
The Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) has developed a strategy and action plan to respond to what they have viewed as the needs and priorities of Ontario seniors.
In 2019, changes were introduced to the dispensing requirements for orthotics under the Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP). At that time, this information was shared with plan members who made claims for these products during the three previous years.
Make your voice heard! Health Standards Organization (HSO) wants to know your thoughts about national standards for long-term care in Canada.
On Nov. 22, Federal Retirees attended “Making Seniors’ Care Matter: Ensuring quality and accessible care for seniors across Canada,” a conference presented by the Canadian Health Coalition and the Research Center in Social Innovation and Transformation at Saint Paul University in Ottawa.
After months of study, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development, and the Status of Persons with Disabilities (HUMA) has tabled the report
It’s time that older adults and caregivers in Ontario have a non-partisan advocate looking out for their best interests.
Monday’s budget, the first in two years, offers Canadians a peek behind the curtain – at the government’s post-pandemic priorities.
Federal Health Minister Jane Philpott addressed the Economic Club of Canada in Ottawa on May 14, 2017 and announced consultations on proposed regulatory changes that would target “unacceptably high drug costs.” The lack of reform in drug purchasing in Canada has contributed to rising Canadian pat
On Dec. 12, 2019, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau released ministerial mandate letters outlining the policy objectives and challenges each minister will work to accomplish and address.
Implementing national standards for long-term care, home care and other older adult care will ensure a baseline level of quality care for older Canadians, regardless of where they live.
In fall 2016, Federal Retirees joined forces with the Canadian Medical Association to advocate for a new Health Accord focused on the urgent need to address seniors’ care in this country.
Earlier today, National Association of Federal Retirees’ president, Jean-Guy Soulière, and director of advocacy, Sayward Montague, discussed a National Seniors Strategy with members of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Pers
In November 2019, we provided you with an update on Ontario’s decision to cancel its Out-of-Country Travellers Program, as of Jan. 1, 2020. With the program’s elimination, we have received questions about the effect of this decision for members in terms of their health-care coverage.
If you haven’t had your hearing tested, now is a great time to start. 1 in 5 Canadians have hearing loss and 47% of Canadians with hearing loss are 60 years of age or older.
With its fall fiscal update, the federal government plans a record-high deficit to kick-start the Canadian economy.
In December 2016, media reported that the federal government was considering taxing health- care benefits as part of its overall review of the Canadian income tax system. The federal government has not yet confirmed if it will implement this tax.
The Ontario government has decided to proceed with the elimination of OHIP coverage for Ontarians for travel outside of Canada. This is set to come into effect October 1, 2019.
Colleen Flood, director for the University of Ottawa Centre for Health Law, Policy and Ethics, shares her vision for long-term care transformation.
The Alberta government is making changes to seniors’ drug coverage – and there could be more on the way.
Health Canada has launched a public consultation seeking your experiences, insights and ideas to inform the development of palliative care framework.
Use our online tools to speak up for older adult care and get the word out about improving long-term and home care.
In December 2016, media reported that the federal government was considering taxing health care benefits as part of its overall review of the Canadian income tax system. This sparked immediate concern from Canadians and many organizations, including Federal Retirees.
Ontario optometrists have withdrawn OHIP-covered eye services for seniors and youths after a breakdown in negotiations with the provincial government.
Palliative care affects Canadians of all ages, and while it is not only needed for the elderly, we know there are now more seniors than children in Canada. This demographic is changing the face of Canadian society and adding new policy needs at all levels of government.
Today, Federal Retirees submitted its budget brief to the government of Ontario, highlighting the urgent need to continue working toward better retirement security and a comprehensive plan for health care that meets seniors’ needs.
Today’s, and tomorrow’s, long-term care residents deserve a system that is safe, effective and high quality.
Stakeholders representing health care providers and seniors will be watching closely to see whether the Liberal government will use 2018 to begin crafting a national seniors strategy.
If you're wondering whether you still have to take certain medications, don’t hesitate to bring it up with your doctor or health-care professional.
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of our four advocacy priorities and the gaps in health and seniors’ care.
In December 2016, media reported that the federal government was considering taxing health care benefits as part of its overall review of the Canadian income tax system. This sparked immediate concern from Canadians and many organizations, including Federal Retirees.
This spring, the National Association of Federal Retirees named four key priorities for the 2019 federal election: a National Seniors Strategy, retirement income security, support for veterans and their families, and pharmacare.
As 2023 dawns, Federal Retirees discusses the political landscape and what it means for the Association’s advocacy goals.
As budget season continues, two more provinces and territories released their budgets in late February 2020.
Alan Freeman, former Globe and Mail finance reporter and Assistant Deputy Minister for Consultations and Communications with the federal finance department under the late Jim Flaherty, reports from the 2015 budget lock-up on behalf of the National Association of Federal Retirees and iPolitics
This fall, members of the House of Commons Finance committee will review recommendations from across the country on what should be included in the 2019 budget.
The government has announced new testing and quarantine rules for international travellers.
Please note that important updates have been made to this article since it was first published. It was last updated on Feb. 12, 2021.
In the lead-up to the 2015 federal election, the Liberals promised to negotiate a new Health Accord with the provinces and territories.
Mobility researcher Edward Lemaire watched as a patient, long bound to his wheelchair, stood up and looked around the room.
He marvelled at his own height. And then he started to walk.
Brian Hills, a member of Federal Retirees’ Charlottetown Branch, became his wife’s primary caregiver in 2017. They are pictured here with their daughters, Paula Graham and Lisa Harvey.
This morning, Federal Retirees President Jean-Guy Soulière attended the Economic Club of Canada’s breakfast to hear remarks f
On June 25, the federal government announced temporary measures for the Pensioners’ Dental Services Plan.
The National Association of Federal Retirees is pleased yesterday's federal budget includes key improvements for veterans and investments for seniors.
Join Federal Retirees in supporting Bill C-213, the Canada Pharmacare Act.
In roughly 24 hours, parliamentarians will be debating Bill C-213 and voting on next steps for the bill.
Following the conviction of Elizabeth Wettlaufer for murder, attempted murder and aggravated assault, committed while working as a registered nurse in long-term care, the province of Ontario established a public inquiry in August 2017.
You can make a difference for women's heart health by spreading the word, sharing resources and encouraging your loved ones to take preventative measures.
The information and request form in this article are accurate as of February 2019 and, if applicable, can be used for filing your Canadian income tax and benefit returns for 2018.