2024 Volunteer Recognition Awards – Celebrating our volunteers

The Volunteer Recognition Committee is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2024 awards, who were honoured at the Volunteer Recognition Awards ceremony on June 19 in Gatineau, Québec.

The Claude Edwards Leadership award

•    Ian Spence – President, Fraser Valley West Branch

Ian Spence has demonstrated dedication and commitment since joining the Association and Fraser Valley West Branch in 2008. He unhesitatingly undertook leadership roles since joining the Association from the Regional Services Officer (RSO), to director-at-large, to branch vice president and now branch president. As a democratic leader, Ian has encouraged the directors to have a say in all matters concerning the branch and the board members feel valued for their contributions.

Throughout Ian’s fourteen years of volunteering with the Association, he has always been able to see the big picture and share in the vision of where the Association was headed. He modestly but confidently shared his knowledge and experience with various BC branches and contributed to their sense of purpose.

Ian is very creative in his approach to advocacy and communication with members. He learned a new application of Publisher, composed, and produced professional correspondence such as branch monthly updates and Sage reports.

Despite ongoing volunteer challenges and a painfully slow return to normalized operations, Ian continues to sustain an unwavering “can-do” attitude and positively motivates his board members.

Collaboration Award

•    Helen and Larry Crabb – Director Membership, Vice President, Central Okanagan Branch

Larry and Helen Crabb’s history with the Association goes above and beyond as a dynamic duo. They have taken on various positions within the Central Okanagan Branch and actively take a lead role or supporting role in branch initiatives and functions.

Larry and Helen have focussed their collaborative efforts in three areas: Salvation Army Kettle Campaign, the expansion and implementation of the MEDWATCH program and the UBCO Aging in Place Research Centre.

The Kettle Campaign raises funds to provide a little cheer at Christmas time to less fortunate families in the Kelowna and West Kelowna communities. The MedWatch is a program that provides first responders with vital medical in a case of emergency and the UBCO conducts research to support the needs and choices of older adults.

Volunteerism Award

•    Line Lecours – Director, Branch

Line has been a volunteer with the Association since 2015. During her many volunteer commitments outside of the organization, she never hesitates to spread the word about our Association, which greatly contributes to the recruitment of new members. 

Line’s social involvement, notoriety and media exposure gives her great power of influence. She volunteers with four organizations and administers eight social networks and one event. 

The organizations focuses on providing financial assistance to families, temporary relief for young people, food banks, friendship visits, working with seniors, improving living conditions, just to name a few of the initiatives. 
Everything Line does helps put seniors on the map.

Branch Excellence Awards

The Central Manitoba Branch is the recipient of the Small Branch Excellence Award. The branch has been totally revitalized in the past two years, no longer in danger of closing and is now a healthy active branch with a strong board of Directors. The branch has successfully recruited five local preferred partners which enhances member benefits and encourages non-members to join the Association. Central Manitoba Branch has progressed to a branch with very strong leadership. The positive impact on this branch is remarkable. They participate in every initiative brought forward by the Association and actively participate in the district, regional meetings, and AMM. This has resulted in a solid board that can answer and support volunteers and members. Over the past year, the Central Manitoba branch has made several significant advances in Advocacy. The accomplishments include filling the role of branch advocacy liaison officer; contacting their MP and MLA to raise awareness of the Association priorities; in partnership with the legion hosted a townhall in October 2023 to raise awareness of the Association priorities, just to name a few.  

The Medium Branch Excellence Award was provided to the Southern Alberta Branch. The branch has two general meetings each year designed to recruit and inform members about the issues at hand. This year, the branch focussed on Retirement Income Security. In 2023, the branch held a third get together, celebrating the Association’s 60th anniversary. The turnout was approx. 10% of their membership. To maximize attendance, eblasts were sent announcing events that were posted to the branch web page, the board and several other volunteers personally contacted each of their members, and one board member alone contacted over 400 members for their BBQ event. At each event, members were asked to bring at least one other person who was eligible for Association membership. As a result, the branch gained additional members who were interested in joining the board and attended monthly executive meetings.  
The branch hosted two provincial election town halls in two of the major provincial ridings in 2023. The town halls were well attended with the branch advocacy liaison officer acting as moderator, with questions asked by the branch president and a representative from local senior citizens organizations.  

The Fraser Valley West Branch were the recipient of the Large Branch Excellence Award. The branch is very active in their community, hosting branch social events to potential members and current members. The branch held six information “Meet and Greet” coffee meetings; volunteers staffed an information table at the National Public Servants Alliance of Canada’s (PSAC) convention which garnered interest and dozens of recruitment packages were distributed over the course tow two days.   
The branch celebrates their volunteers at district meetings, volunteer appreciation & recognition luncheons and highlights the benefits of volunteering with newsletters.  
The Fraser Valley West Branch held several 338 meetings and maintains an active relationship with several seniors’ organizations. 

The Quebec Branch is the recipient of the Branch Excellence Award with Employees. The Quebec Branch is lead by an eleven-member board, supported by 30 volunteers and one employee who works four afternoons each week.   
The Quebec Branch promotes the national membership campaign to its members in newsletters published six times a year, at luncheons and at the branch’s general meetings. For the third time, the Quebec Branch participated in the Salon FADOQ Quebec-Levis-Chaudiere-Appalachhes, which offers excellent visibility, with a special insert sent to 100,000 homes.  
The Quebec Branch considers volunteers to be the foundation of its members services organizations. It continues to have increased presence at regional seniors’ tables, promoting our Association and discussing strategies on local issues that reflect our Association’s priorities. 

Please join us in congratulating the 2024 Volunteer Recognition award recipients and nominees. We thank you for all that you do for our fellow volunteers, our branches, our Association, our communities, and our members!