Branch executive, board of directors, area representatives





Rick Brick

Branch president

Heather-Anne Elliott-Martin

1st vice president,  Membership chair


2nd vice president; internet communications, editor, Newsletter and Sage Branch Report

Judy Tracz


Clay Colstad

Branch Treasurer

Brian Emdin

Immediate past president


Delbert Dahl

Assistant treasurer

Gwen Johnston

Social committee chair

Gwen Rutherford

Member benefits 

Sylvia Kennedy

Copy editor, newsletter and branch report



John Erkelens

Alberta branch services coordinator (BSC)

Regional representatives

Janet Kerr, Grande Prairie

Lona Hegeman, NWT

Nazim Awan,  NWT

Executive positions have two-year terms and are filled by election at the annual general meeting held in the spring of each year. Half of the positions are filled each year. The president, second vice president and treasurer are filled in even numbered years and the first vice president and secretary are filled in odd numbered years Their terms of office run from the date of their election until another election is held for the same position approximately two years later.

Appointments process of the board of directors 

Board of directors positions are filled by appointment. Individuals who may be interested in participating on the board are invited to attend board meetings as a friend of the board. They can participate in discussions, but cannot vote on motions. If they have continuing interest they may be proposed for board membership by a motion made and seconded by existing board members. If the motion is carried, the president will appoint the individual as a director-at-large and he or she will be invited to participate on committees.

Friends of the board include:

  • Branch members who have expressed an interest in or who have been invited to attend board meetings and are exploring becoming board members,
  • Branch members who are unable to, or do not wish to participate as full board members maintain a connection to the board as a friend of the board. They participate on committees and/or assist at our functions.
  • Former board members who have, “taken a step back,” from full participation on the board.