Meetings - AGM - April 20, 2024


                                                      Annual General Meeting

Dear members,

Your Central Okanagan Branch - BC 07 held a successful in-person Annual General Meeting on April 20, 2024, at the Lakeview Heights Baptist Church, 2630 Alhambra Drive, in West Kelowna, BC.   

The meeting was called to order by President Guy Bird at 10:50 am and the quorum was met with 35 voting members in attendance including six Board members.  Guy gave a warm welcome to all and invited new members to stand and introduce themselves.

Guy noted that the Central Okanagan Branch has existed for 53 years, and the original certificate was signed by Claude Edwards, an early National President whose name is now associated with the Association's headquarters in Ottawa.  The branch has also received three awards from National:  the Innovation Award, the Advocacy Award, and the Branch Excellence Award.

  • Agenda:  Guy reviewed the agenda, and it was approved as reviewed.
  • Introductions:  Guy introduced the existing board members: V.P. - Larry Crabb; Treasurer -Wayne McAlpine; Membership and Care & Concern - Helen Crabb; Secretary - Daniela Evans; Director at Large - Ethel Robidoux; Director at Large - Edna Allwright; Branch Services Coordinator - Julie Spencer; and himself, Guy Bird.  
  • Minutes of April 2023 AGM:  The minutes from the April 15, 2023, AGM were briefly discussed, there being no questions from the floor, the minutes were adopted as distributed. Download BC07 2024 AGM Draft Minutes.
  • Acknowledge Deceased Members:  Helen Crabb read the list of members who passed away since the last AGM.  A moment of silence was observed - “No longer among us but not forgotten”.
  • Annual Report:  The Annual Branch Report for 2023 was presented by President Guy Bird.  Guy reviewed the events that were carried out in 2023 and mentioned that the branch was able to donate $500 to the Salvation Army Toy Drive. Guy thanked all the volunteers that helped, especially with the Salvation Army Kettle campaign.  
  • Guy noted that the National office received over 7000 emails from members regarding Canada Life transition from Sunlife.
  • The 2023 Annual Report was adopted as presented.  Download the BC07 2023 Branch Report.
  • Financial Statements:  Following a short break, the 2023 financial statements and the 2024 budget were presented in detail and reviewed by Treasurer Wayne McAlpine.   
  • Mervyn Scott, the independent reviewer, explained that he had reviewed the financial statements, and everything is in good shape. The bank balances were verified, and all expenditures accounted for.
  • The 2023 financial statements and the 2024 budget were accepted as presented and reviewed. Download the BC07 2023 Financials in detail.
  • Branch Bylaw:  Branch Bylaw - Part V - Branch Board or Executive 5.1.1. Composition - 'that the Branch board shall be comprised of up to 8 members of which three shall be elected to serve in the executive positions:  the President, the Vice-President, and the Treasurer' (in lieu of Secretary).  Motion carried.
  • Election of Officers:  The election was conducted by Larry Crabb, Vice-President and Wayne McAlpine, Chair of the Nominating Team.  Larry referred to bylaw 6.2 which explains why no nominations from the floor are permitted.   Larry then reviewed the slate of candidates.  There being no other nominations, the slate was acclaimed as follows and Larry called for a vote of approval.
  • Financial Reviewer:  Mervyn Scott advised that he had reviewed the 2023 Financial Statements and found them to be accurate and correct.  
  • Mervyn Scott has agreed to be the Financial Reviewer for the fiscal year 2024 - 2025.
  • Closing Remarks:  Guy thanked everyone for coming and advised members to check their inbox for upcoming events in 2024.
  • Adjournment:   The meeting adjourned at 11:45 am followed by a complimentary lunch catered by Happy-tizers.

Congratulations to the new board!
Central Okanagan Branch Board of Directors
2024 – 2025


Daniela Evans

Vice President

Guy Bird


Wayne McAlpine







Care and Concern 


Director at Large

Edna Allwright

Director at Large

Lorrie Brown

Director at LargeLisa Cheswick
Director at LargeJulie Spencer