Détails de l'événement

Branch 60th anniversary

On Wednesday, Sept. 18 our branch will celebrate its 60th birthday and we’re planning a party so please mark your calendars and plan to join us.

We will have some terrific items from our preferred partners for draws and raffles. Our preferred partners include those involved in travel, technology, health, financial planning and insurance so the items we will have from them are exciting.

We’ll have music from the last 60 years so plan to sing along.

We’re planning to offer a delicious lunch and we’ll let you know in August what it will be.

Our branch is unique in that we meet once a month and have a speaker and a plated hot lunch.

Let’s make our 60th birthday party a recruitment event to make sure our branch continues to grow and thrive. If you have an eligible friend or family member who you think might like to join the Association, bring them along.

Date de l'événement

18 sept. 2024

Prix pour les membres


Courriel du contact
