Here is a list of government (and other) telephone numbers that are useful for the survivors and estate executors following a member's death.
Please note that most funeral homes can usually assist in general steps to be followed after someone's passing, important contact information, and possibly even the forms that must be filled in and submitted.
Agency | Telephone number | Comment |
Service Canada [Call first, as they have most comprehensive information.] | 1-800-622-6232 | 22 Main Street Selkirk, MB 4 Park Avenue, Lac du Bonnet, MB [Open one day per month] |
CPP/OAS | 1-800-277-9914 | |
Canada Revenue Agency | 1-800-959-8281 | Call re: Income Tax |
MEDOC [Travel Insurance] | 1-866-606-3362 | |
PSHCP [Public Service Health Care Plan AND Retirement Benefits] | 1-800-561-7930 | |
AECL | 1-800-220-2465 |
Call Alanna Wilcox (the new HBO - Health Benefits Officer for Eastern Manitoba), email: or
telephone: (431) 276-6222, for more information or assistance.