Upcoming events

Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday May 5, 2025 

This will be a Zoom Meeting from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
We will discuss and vote on the 2024 Financial Statements, the 2024 audit, and the 2025 budget.
Updates on the branch, Ontario region and national Association will be provided. 

We will also be holding elections of executive officers (if people step up).

Please note we currently have needs at the following positions:
President:  Vacant
Vice-president: We need a successor
Secretary: Vacant
Director membership: Jim Molnar doing the job now, but we need a successor.
Directors: Need two or three new members to replace those who have left since COVID-19.

If you would like more information on these positions. please contact Jim Molnar  (416) 557-3408.

Please let us know if you are planning on attending the AGM no later than April 23, 2025, by email or voicemail Toronto Branch br47nafr@gmail.com  Telephone:   (416) 557-3408.

Federal election date to be determined.
As we approach this important election the Branch will be asked by the national Association, to reach out to the candidates in our ridings. Letters will need to be sent to candidates and volunteers to attend all-candidates’ meetings.

Fall general members meeting Oct. 14, 2025
Depending on volunteers this meeting could be in person, or by Zoom or a hybrid of both.